About Me

Name: Caoimhe Quinn
School name: St Catherine's College, Armagh
Candidate number: 8488
Centre number: 71615
Unit code: G321

Preliminary Task: Using DTP and an image manipulation program to produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropiately laid out text and a masthead. Additionally candidates must produce a mock up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of the program.

Main Task: The front page,contents and double page spread of a new music magazine

Friday, 28 November 2014

Questionnaire and Analysis

Here I have the analysis of my target audience questionnaire. By analysing it has helped me to see who my target audience will be and what they would like to see featured in the magazine.

This is my target audience questionnaire. It will help me determine what type of music that people like the most and how they would like the magazine to be.

Please fill it out.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Top charts and top ten magazines

Here is a print screen of the itunes top single and top albums. This will help me to see what type of music people are buying. It will also help me to decide whether i choose a solo artist or a band. Next I have done some further research on the top ten music magazines. I have done this to see what type of magazines that people are buying. This will also help me decide what type of genre I would like my magazine to be.


 My NME double page spread collage. This is my double page spread collage it will help me the type of house styles different magazines use for their double page spreads. By doing this it may give me some ideas for my own double page spreads. It will also help me to see what I need in my double page spread to attract my target audience.

This is my double page spread analysis for the NME magazine.

Double page spread collage

Rolling stones double page spread collage.

this is my rolling stone double page spread analysis. 

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Rolling stones front cover and contents page collage

Rolling Stones front cover and contents page collage
My second collage is of the Rolling Stones magazine front covers.

this is my rolling stones contents page analysis which will help me see the different types of layouts that this magazine uses.

the next thing I have done is an analysis of the rolling stones front cover and contents page this will help be decide what type of style I would like to use for my own magazine.

The next contents page that I am going to analyse is the rolling stones. The rolling stones do not have a specific genre as every time they produce a magazine the use a different type of artist or band. Sometimes the rolling stones magazine does not always feature a main person who is a singer on in a band, they produce a TV magazine sometimes but it also features some music artists in it also. The rolling stones magazine is published by Jann Wenner who is one of the founders of the magazine and he is also the editor and chief of the magazine.

My first impression of this contents page when I saw it was that it had a lot of content in it but it was still easy to navigate. I like how they put the feature articles by themselves, then the department article and then I like how they put a separate part for the main person featured in this magazine who was John Oliver. It is something that I would like to do for my own magazine as it think that the simple layout would attract young people.

You can tell that the target audience for this magazine are young people who are interested in not only music but television as well which means that the buyers of the magazine will increase because there is a lot of different content every time the magazine is produced. This particular issue is a TV issue which means it is probably targeted for people who like TV more than they like music although it does include some music articles.

In the contents page they stayed consistent with their house style by using the three main colours that they always use which are black, white and red. Although they have used some different colours throughout the magazine as this is the TV edition so they have used colours like yellow, blue, green and pink which would attract to a younger audience. These type of colours would also grab the reader’s attention and make them want to buy the magazine. 

Overall I think that the layout of this contents page would be great for my magazine and I would like to take some bits of it and incorporate them into my own contents page. I like how the split the entire article into different sections as this allows the reader to go to the section that they want to go to. I like how the contents page includes picture so that it just doesn’t look dull and boring. The pictures attract the reader to look down at the content page which means they will want to read it. This has also helped me to see what a proper high end music magazine looks like and has given me ideas for my own music magazine.

Rolling stones magazine cover analysis.

The next cover I have decided to analyse is one of the latest issues from the rolling stones magazine. It features John Oliver and even though it is the TV edition I am still able to analyse it has it features some aspects of music. Jann Weener is the publisher of this magazine, he is also the editor and chief and the founder of the magazine.

When I first glanced at this magazine I could tell that it was the rolling stones magazine straight away because of the masthead and the house style of the front cover. Even though John Oliver’s head is covering a part of the masthead regular buyers of the magazine are still able to tell what it is called as the magazine is well known. This magazine caught my attention as it is bright and has lots of different articles jumping out at me.

There is no specific genre for this magazine so therefore I think that the audience would be of any age. I think that people buy this magazine because they are interested in music and TV programmes. The target audience would mostly be from America as the rolling stones usually just use American artists and TV shows although sometimes they use artists and TV shows from other countries.  The rolling stones have produced the magazine so that people who are interested in TV and music get to find out about all the latest news in that industry.

There is only one image on this front cover and it takes up over 95 per cent of the page. This is a common convention of the rolling stones magazine as in nearly every issue they have produced there is only one large image on it. The image is of John Oliver and as there is only image it lets buyers know that the magazine is going to be featured around him and that he is the main person of this week’s issue.  The image of John Oliver is a mid-shot which follows another convention of the rolling stones magazine as they always use a mid-shot for most cover images as it really lets the readers see the facial expression and helps them to familiarise themselves with the person. 

The mast head is on the top of the page and it is stretched across the whole way. It is red with a white outlining that you cannot really see although the masthead looks quite 3D as it is all in capitals. It also looks 3D as each letter has a black shadowing on behind it this helps the masthead jump out at the target audience. Each article on the front cover is featured on the left and right of the page. By doing this it doesn’t ruin the image and when readers are looking at the image nothing is on it that would distract them. The main image of this magazine is slightly on top of the middle of the
masthead which means you cannot see it although the Rolling Stones magazine uses the exact same colours and title font every time they produce their masthead which means people can easily recognise it as the rolling stones even though it is covered.

The cover lines on the left hand side of the page are in black, red and white. These are the main colours that they usually use. Although at the other side of the page they have broken one of their house styles as they have the cover lines in a bigger font and also in various different colours. They may have done this to bring in a younger crowd as the bright colours would attract them. Each of the cover lines are all in capital letters which will attract any reader to buy the magazine. 

In one particular cover line it says it says the name few shows then they have said “plus the greatest shows that never were” this will entice any reader to buy the magazine as they will be intrigued to find out more. I like how at the top there is stripes that come down on the side of the page and then it says the TV issue this clearly indicates to people that most of this will be about TV but some will be about different music. The colours of the stripes also correspond to the colours of the cover lines on the right side of the page which I think is a great idea and would be cool to use in my magazine.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

NME collage

This is my favourite thing about the NME magazine. it is their cover page. i like how it pulls out into a poster. i would like to include something along the lines of this into my own magazine as I think it would entice people to buy the magazine as it is basically a free poster.

NME magazine front over collage.
Below is a collage of my favourite NME magazine front covers. They will help me look at the house style of the NME magazine and it will also help me come up with ideas for my own magazine front cover. I have also included my favourite contents pages from NME.

NME content page analysis

This is my contents page analysis as a part of my music magazine research.

At first glance i can see that the contents page is split into three different sections. The first section is called the regulars which means it is stuff that is in the magazine all of the time only different types of articles. The second section is about the feature articles which is good as some buyers may just want to look at the features so the can look down this section and find all of the features. I can also see that there is only one image on the contents page that may not really stand out to the reader. On the other hand there is a lot of other content on the page to make the page stand out. at the top of the contents page they have put New Musical Express which doesn't let readers forget what NME actually stands for.  the paper is a bit dull but the main colours of this contents page are black and white giving of that contemporary rock feel. the contents page is easy to navigate around as it is cut into sections and the numbers are all in white writing with a black background which makes the image number stand out.

on the front cover the mast head has red and white on it and they have carried this on into the contents page. This is good as they have kept the same style throughout the magazine. they have black on the background of all the main titles which may look dull but it appeals to the type of audience that NME are looking for as it adds a contemporary, indie and rock style to the magazine. NME have followed the conventions of all other magazines by having numbers down the side of each article which makes it easy and accessible for the reader to flick thorugh and read the magazine. As readers would not buy the magazine if they didnt know where anything was in the magazine so that is the whole reason for having a well laid out contents page.

there is only one photo on the contents page although it is to do with the different types of posters that are going to be in the contents page. the photo will entice the reader to look at the title that is above the image. As the title says 'posters' is capital letters it stands out and it also makes people who love this style of music to buy the magazine because they know that they are getting free posters from it as well. in another section there is a band list that is just simple and formal although people who buy this magazine are passionate about indie and rock music by having the band list it can introduce readers to newer bands and artists that they may not have heard about. They can look for the band on the band list and then they can go to the number that is beside that band and look them up in the magazine.

each section and is highlighted with all of the articles that are related to that section. The titles of each section are in capital letters and they are on black backgrounds which make them stand out to the reader. At the bottom of each section it says 'and more' which also gets the reader excited to what else could be in the magazine.

overall I think that this contents page is very well structured and laid out. Each article is very accesssible as the page number can be seen beside the articles. The way this magazine contents page is laid out has helped me come up with ideas for my own music magazine that I will be producing. I like how the contents page is cut into different sections. Lastly i like how the contents page has column for the people who are only featured on the front cover of the magazine.

NME front cover analysis

my front cover analysis as part of my magazine research to help look at the different layouts and magazine styles.

As another part of my music magazine research I will be analyzing a cover page and a contents page of two different magazines. This will help me to see the codes and conventions that different magazines use. The first magazine that I am going to analyse is called New Musical express better known as NME magazine. The magazine aims to inform people about new bands and also other famous bands and artists. The genre of this magazine is indie and rock. I am not into this type of music although when I do my target audience research they may be into indie and rock music this means I can look at the codes and conventions of this magazine and apply them to my music magazine. The target audience of this magazine is predominantly aimed in between the age of 17 – 30. their audience are usually well educated in music and have a passion for music. This edition of NME magazine has been published by Ellie may.

When I first saw this magazine the masthead immediately stood out to me as it is big and bold. I liked how there was only one picture on the front cover that takes up over 95 per cent of the page. I can tell from this magazine cover that it is all about indie and rock from the particular band featured on the front cover. This will entice people who like that genre of music to immediately want to buy it. You can tell that it is about the band the Foo Fighters as it features the people from the band on the front cover and it also says on the left hand side of the magazine it says ‘Foo Fighters take over’. The puff in the right hand corner that says ‘special foldout cover’ will entice people to buy the magazine. By using the word ‘special’ it will make their readers want to buy the magazine more as no other magazine may have this type of front cover.

In the bottom right hand corner on the barcode it says ‘the past, present & future of music’.  This is the selling line that appears in every NME magazine. Even though the writing is very small this is their iconic selling line and their particular audience know and recognise it all over the world.  The magazine has a target audience for people in their teens to their late twenties who are well educated with a high income. Their readers will depend on this magazine as it has a lot of information about artists and upcoming gigs.

The style of the front cover is quite informal and edgy. As they use some foul language on the front cover which is a quote from the feature band. It is a simple contemporary front cover which would stand out to the target audience as NME knows that this is the type of thing that they would be into. There is black writing over the front cover that looks as if it has written on with a marker. Then in the main image there is a mid-shot of a man holding up a black marker to the writing which makes it look as if he has written it on the magazine himself and this was done to anchor the image. Y
ou can see that it is a rock band on the front cover as most of the people on the front cover main image have long hair and beards. They are also wearing quite dark clothing which would appeal to the audience of this magazine.

This magazine has two main colours which are red and white which are associated with peace, passion and strength. These colours are also always represented with rock this is how they would grab in their target audience and the colours are quite bright also they would catch people’s eye. The colours of the magazine and the layout of it is quite edgy and contemporary so this would also attract their target audience.

At the bottom of the front page there is also some other headlines. There is one promoting Dave Grohl’s new album and new TV show. The whiting is white on a red background which makes the headline standout. This will also entice people to buy  the magazine as NME’s target audience would want to know about these types of things. There is also another feature cover line that starts with the symbol + which means plus. The word plus that is associated with this symbol would give their target audience a real sense of excitement that would entice them to buy the magazine as they would want to read through it to read all of the other articles that these artists are mentioned in.

The simple yet contemporary and edgy layout appeals to the audience that they want to be looking at their magazines. This edgy look will also make readers to continue buying this magazine. As only one image can be seen on the front cover and as it takes up over 95 per cent of the page it makes it stand out to their target audience a lot more. As it is simple I can see how it would appeal to a younger audience because it is quite informal as well. Also younger people would not want to buy a magazine that was all dull and boring with dull headlines that don’t capture the reader’s attention.

Overall I think that this NME magazine is able to grab in the audience that they want straight away by using the same house style that they always use. The big bold title will draw in the reader and make them want to buy it. By using bands like the foo fighters and the rolling stones on the front cover it means their target audience will be sure to buy the magazine.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Magazine research introduction

this is my magazine research which will help me with my music magazine. I have researched three different media companies and also rolling stones magazine to see how they structure their magazine and I also looked at their media pack to view all of their different statistics for their audience and their online viewers.