About Me

Name: Caoimhe Quinn
School name: St Catherine's College, Armagh
Candidate number: 8488
Centre number: 71615
Unit code: G321

Preliminary Task: Using DTP and an image manipulation program to produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropiately laid out text and a masthead. Additionally candidates must produce a mock up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of the program.

Main Task: The front page,contents and double page spread of a new music magazine

Thursday, 13 November 2014

NME content page analysis

This is my contents page analysis as a part of my music magazine research.

At first glance i can see that the contents page is split into three different sections. The first section is called the regulars which means it is stuff that is in the magazine all of the time only different types of articles. The second section is about the feature articles which is good as some buyers may just want to look at the features so the can look down this section and find all of the features. I can also see that there is only one image on the contents page that may not really stand out to the reader. On the other hand there is a lot of other content on the page to make the page stand out. at the top of the contents page they have put New Musical Express which doesn't let readers forget what NME actually stands for.  the paper is a bit dull but the main colours of this contents page are black and white giving of that contemporary rock feel. the contents page is easy to navigate around as it is cut into sections and the numbers are all in white writing with a black background which makes the image number stand out.

on the front cover the mast head has red and white on it and they have carried this on into the contents page. This is good as they have kept the same style throughout the magazine. they have black on the background of all the main titles which may look dull but it appeals to the type of audience that NME are looking for as it adds a contemporary, indie and rock style to the magazine. NME have followed the conventions of all other magazines by having numbers down the side of each article which makes it easy and accessible for the reader to flick thorugh and read the magazine. As readers would not buy the magazine if they didnt know where anything was in the magazine so that is the whole reason for having a well laid out contents page.

there is only one photo on the contents page although it is to do with the different types of posters that are going to be in the contents page. the photo will entice the reader to look at the title that is above the image. As the title says 'posters' is capital letters it stands out and it also makes people who love this style of music to buy the magazine because they know that they are getting free posters from it as well. in another section there is a band list that is just simple and formal although people who buy this magazine are passionate about indie and rock music by having the band list it can introduce readers to newer bands and artists that they may not have heard about. They can look for the band on the band list and then they can go to the number that is beside that band and look them up in the magazine.

each section and is highlighted with all of the articles that are related to that section. The titles of each section are in capital letters and they are on black backgrounds which make them stand out to the reader. At the bottom of each section it says 'and more' which also gets the reader excited to what else could be in the magazine.

overall I think that this contents page is very well structured and laid out. Each article is very accesssible as the page number can be seen beside the articles. The way this magazine contents page is laid out has helped me come up with ideas for my own music magazine that I will be producing. I like how the contents page is cut into different sections. Lastly i like how the contents page has column for the people who are only featured on the front cover of the magazine.

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