About Me

Name: Caoimhe Quinn
School name: St Catherine's College, Armagh
Candidate number: 8488
Centre number: 71615
Unit code: G321

Preliminary Task: Using DTP and an image manipulation program to produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropiately laid out text and a masthead. Additionally candidates must produce a mock up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of the program.

Main Task: The front page,contents and double page spread of a new music magazine

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Academy contents analysis

Magazine contents page analysis
The masthead of this page is the ‘contents’ which is the biggest text on the page.  Aswell as being on a white background contrasting to the rest of the page which makes it clear what it is. As it is blue writing against a black background it makes the writing stand out to the reader and this will let them know that this is the page that is going to tell them where everything is.
The contents page has been split into two parts showing images on one side and text on the other. Before telling you what page number a certain article is there are subheadings explaining what each secton will consist of. The images at the side also have numbers on them which relates to the articles in side and also makes it easier for the reader to find the page also if they are looking for one of them exact articles .
There are three main images and if you look at the image and then the corrosponing page number you will be able to tell what the article is going to be about for instance the first image shows a man sitting in a chair which looks to be on a stage with a pen and book in his had and the title on the contents side says ‘fansa meets lord nash tom clarke’ so you are able to tell that this article will be about an interview or a meeting of some sort.
Also underneath the contents page it had the issue number and when this magazine was realeased this is good for first time readers of this magazine as even though it is on the front cover they may not have noticed it but they will when they are reading the contents page. This will let them know what there are more of these magazines and if they find that they like the magazine they can go and purchase older or more recent magazines.

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